What Flavor Of Hint Water Are You?

What Flavor Of Hint Water Are You?
author TopDust Staff

From the minute I wake up until my head hits the pillow, I’m busy juggling a million tasks. For a while, I even had to make sure I wasn’t forgetting to eat! On my worst days, I wasn’t even drinking any water. The water at work has a slight metallic taste to it, so I was constantly choosing coffee and soda through the day to keep me buzzing between tasks and meetings, only to suffer from a severe sugar crash later on.

I wanted to cut out soda and sugary drinks but didn’t want to sacrifice flavor. Hintwas the drink that changed the game for me. Hint is a brand of unsweetened water-infused fruit flavors without sugar, diet sweeteners, chemicals, or GMO ingredients. These little bottles of goodness made me forget all about my soda obsession, and with so many flavors it was hard to pick my favorites.

After drinking a lot of Hintwaters, here are the top four flavors for a pick me up no matter your mood.

1. Cherry

Cherry has just a wink of flavor. You give off a cold exterior, but for those who dig deep, they know you are sweetheart at your core. Your stony disposition is mistaken for bitterness when the truth is you possess an independent streak backed up my unshakeable confidence in who you are. You can give off equal parts of attitude and pure kindness when reserved for your significant others.

2. Watermelon

Who doesn’t love the great taste of Watermelon? There’s something particularly satisfying about this fruity concoction that lingers on your taste buds in just the right way. It’s flavor with a little edge that vibes well with someone who is pragmatic – you love little unexpected surprises in life as they give you excitement but generally you live day-to-day sensibly.

3. Pineapple

As someone who is always in a positive mood, the good vibes just ooze out and goodwill guides your sense of progression. You always find the positive in whatever life throws your way. Sometimes you can get a little feisty the same way a pineapple can have a sour bite, but ultimately you’d rather keep the peace and stay carefree than start a fire.

4. Blackberry

This subtle wild berry flavor is juicy and refreshing without a lot of complications. It’s got just the right amount of taste, without being too much. You’re a go-getter with an active and energetic disposition who has the drive and determination to do whatever you want when you want. You’re bursting with passion and intellect, but you’re a wild soul at heart.

If all of these flavors sounded equally thirst-quenching to you, try their variety packs that come with a wide range of flavors.

New Offer: The folks at Hint are offering a special promotion to our readers! Follow this link to get 36 bottles for $36 PLUS free shipping!