We Put Kindra To The Test Against The Drugstore’s Top Selling Vaginal Dryness Products

We Put Kindra To The Test Against The Drugstore’s Top Selling Vaginal Dryness Products
author TopDust Staff

If you’re experiencing vaginal dryness, you’re not alone!

Over half of all women suffer from vaginal dryness at some point in their lives. While the symptom is often caused by decreased hormone levels or certain medications, it’s most commonly linked to menopause.

Although vaginal dryness is not talked about as openly as other menopausal symptoms such as brain fog or hot flashes, it’s often the most uncomfortable one. There’s still so much stigma surrounding these pain points, and it’s time we change that.

That’s why our editors set their goal to find a natural, safe, and effective solution that can relieve these bothersome symptoms once and for all and give women back the comfort they deserve!

We compared Kindra’s Daily Vaginal Lotion with Drugstore favorites like Replens, KY Liquibeads and more.

Here’s what we discovered:

Key Similarities:

  • All are made to relieve vaginal dryness
  • All are non-prescription-based

Key Differences:

  • Kindra’s lotion is formulated not only with natural oils such as vitamin e and coconut, but it also includes niacinamide to actually provide relief from vaginal atrophy
  • Kindra’s lotion has gone through rigorous testing with amazing results—95% of women reported meaningful improvements in vaginal dryness and 93% of women rave about the long lasting hydration
  • Kindra offers a Facebook community of women who are going through the same things as you, and resources to help
  • Kindra has additional products designed to relieve the gamut of menopause concerns, including their pH balancing bath soak, supplements for hot flashes, brain fog, and more, and a cool down mist that helps relieve hot flashes
  • Drugstore formulations use lower grade silicones
  • Drugstore lotions are formulated with one to two active ingredients directed toward providing short term hydration

Kindra Overview

Kindra is a community-centered brand with a simple mission: empower those going through the changes of menopause to care for their bodies naturally, safely, and holistically.

We love that Kindra sees each menopausal experience as a unique journey. Their products are fully customizable, with a 5-minute quiz that educates you about what products work best for you and why.

Kindra’s formula for their Daily Vaginal Lotion is like nothing we’ve come across ever before. It’s super light, leaves the skin extra moisturized and is packed with skin-critical vitamins that support barrier healing at the next level.

Kindra’s Daily Vaginal Lotion is cruelty-free, pH-balanced, and clinically tested. What makes the lotion unique is that it is formulated without dyes, fragrances, estrogens, progesterone, or parabens, providing a feeling of natural lubrication.

On top of that, Kindra helps women prepare for and embrace their body’s natural hormonal shifts by providing tons of educational content. Just check out Kindra’s Journal or Couch Conversations – created for women to listen to one another, share their own personal experiences and navigate the difficulties of menopause together.

Drugstore Overview

We can’t deny that drug stores are convenient places to shop. But are they the best place to buy your vaginal products?

Many top-selling vaginal lotions found in drugstores like Replens, KY Liquibeads, and more are formulated with low-grade silicones and poor ingredients that don’t provide optimal moisture barrier support over time.

Final Thoughts

While you might have the instant gratification of getting your vaginal discomfort products today from the drug store, we don’t recommend it

When it comes to sensitive areas of the body, it is necessary to invest in high-quality products. Kindra’s Daily Vaginal Lotion takes it one step further and provides the most effective formula that actually works.

After testing multiple vaginal dryness products and looking at the reviews across all products, it was very apparent that Kindra’s Daily Vaginal Lotion is superior. Formulated with carefully chosen products that are shown to deliver effective results, Kindra is our recommendation for any woman suffering from vaginal dryness!

Kindra is offering an exclusive discount just for our readers! Use code WELLNESS10 to get 10% off any order now!