How I’m Getting My Wellness In Check This New Year

How I’m Getting My Wellness In Check This New Year
author TopDust Staff

Like many, I had a tough 2020, and going into the new year it’s more important than ever that I focus on myself again. I’ve decided that my main goal for 2021 is my health, but I know that’s not just a one-and-done resolution — it’s going to take some real changes to improve.

I’m definitely a (not so proud) couch potato and though I know the importance of relaxation, it’s time to start moving, cut down the snacking, and get out the door. I’m ready for change, but there’s no quick fix that will give me the long-lasting and effective changes I want.

I realized that the place to start is with 3 easy, manageable tasks I can check off. But even then … where do I start? There are so many healthy habits to implement so I narrowed it down to just 3 to get me going:

✔ Sign up for Splendid Spoon

Diet is a major component of my health but it’s also the greatest challenge to address. I decided to sign up for Splendid Spoon, a plant-based meal delivery service. Their plans ensure having ready to eat healthy meals for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I get all the nutrients I need with zero work, so I’m not overwhelmed by grocery shopping or struggling to learn new recipes.

With Splendid Spoon I can choose from a menu of 16 smoothies, 31 soup & grain bowls, 6 noodles, 5 light soups, and 3 wellness shots — it’s the holy grail of healthy eating. The smoothies are ready to drink when they arrive, while the soups and noodles just need to be warmed in the microwave. By eliminating all the prep time, I’m more excited to stick with it and stay on track.

Plus, all their meals are vegan, gluten-free, GMO-free, and packed with superfoods. I’m on the breakfast, lunch, dinner + reset plan and I’ve never felt so healthy yet satisfied until now.

I didn’t realize there was such an easy and convenient solution to my diet and I can’t imagine not signing up for Splendid Spoon. Not to mention, their meals are delicious. My favorites are the Roasted Cauliflower Bowl, Sesame Noodles, and Pumpkin Pear Bisque.

✔ At-home workout app

I’m not an athlete per se but I like to get a workout in. During quarantine though I definitely became a little lazy when it came to working out. To get back in the habit but still stay safe, I’ve decided to download an at-home workout app.

All I need is a mat, my phone, and a bit of space in my living room. Working out is so much easier without the pressure of the gym and I can build up my workouts at my own pace.

✔ Walk at least 10k steps a day

Fresh air makes me feel 10X better and going for long walks is the perfect way to get moving and embrace the outdoors again. Doctors recommend taking 10K steps a day on average so I see that as a great goal to get me motivated and walking more.

2021 is shaping up to be my healthiest year yet with these new habits in check. As long as I stick with Splendid Spoon, stay active, and keep getting outside, I know that my wellness goals are well within reach. My diet was the part I was worried most about, but it turned out to be the easiest to tackle thanks to my flexible Splendid Spoon subscription that I can tweak or pause at any time.

Start your year off right by checking off these smart goals and working towards a new, healthier you.

Update:The folks at Splendid Spoon are extending an exclusive offer to our readers!Follow this link and get $15 Off Most Popular Plans!