My #1 Secret To Encourage Good Reading Habits In Kids

My #1 Secret To Encourage Good Reading Habits In Kids
author TopDust Staff

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My 8-year-old Luca is a bright kid, but last year, he struggled in school, especially with reading and vocabulary. I started working with his teacher on ways to improve his reading skills at home, but as soon as I would pick up a book, he’d get all moody and frustrated.

“I hate reading,” was his typical response, and honestly, I didn’t feel right forcing him to read when I didn’t have the correct tools to help.

I started to reach out to some of the other parents to see if they had any useful tips. One mom suggested I try Readability, a reading & comprehension learning app with personalized training plans. She went on to tell me that the app worked wonders and now all three of her kids have better reading and comprehension skills.

When I researched the app online, I have to admit, I was very impressed that a thorough app like Readability, only costs $19.99 per month for an account with up to 3 readers. Plus Readability offers a 7-day free trial. I had nothing to lose and I figured Luca could even share it with his sister, who’s a little younger, so I went ahead and downloaded the app.

Here’s why Readability has been part of our daily routine ever since:

1. Improved reading scores lead to better grades all across the board

I didn’t even realize how connected reading and comprehension were until I saw Luca’s scores improving in literally every subject. His concentration got so much better, which not only helped with math but also simple things like sitting at the table peacefully when eating dinner.

He actually enjoys reading aloud now, and is confident when he reads, and he never was before! My little one enhanced her vocabulary tremendously, as well. Lisa is still in Kindergarten, but thanks to Readability, she’s already learned tons of new words, their meanings, and correct pronunciation. Let’s just say, I’m one proud mama.

2. You can use Readability anytime, anywhere

The last time we went on vacation, we had a four-hour drive ahead of us. I was nervous to say the least, but Readability kept my kids so quiet and occupied in the backseats that I almost thought it was just my husband and I.

What I love most about Readability is that my kids can use it at any time, anywhere. I don’t like that we barely leave the house without their iPads, but now, at least they can be productive when we are on the go.

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3. Guilt-free screen time

There’s no question that iPads and smartphones are addictive. I find myself scrolling on my phone more than I like and I’m sure every mom knows the struggle of keeping their kids off their devices or limiting their online time.

With our new rule of only being allowed to play for 1h on their iPads after finishing their Readability assignments, my husband and I don’t feel as guilty and can rest assured that our children are getting the reading help they need to take their skills to the next level.

4. Tons of different features

Readabilityis so much more than just a reading application. The app has a built-in, responsive, speech recognition technology that reads, listens, and provides real-time feedback on your child’s reading and comprehension!

Some of our favorite features are the personalized vocabulary list, the library with exciting books, and StoryTime, which is perfect for car rides. Not to mention Readability’s comprehension with interactive voice-based questions and answers, which helped improve Luca’s critical thinking skills enormously.

5. Real-time feedback on progress

Last but not least, is Readability’s Parent Dashboard that lets me be a part of my kids’ success and track their progress. The dashboard includes the reading history, reading duration, comprehension, accuracy, and speed. On top of it, I get daily and weekly reading reports that I can share with Luca’s teacher.

I don’t have to wait for the next parent-teacher conference or a dreaded email about low performance; instead, I log into Readability and have everything I need to know right when I need it.

Readability has helped my kids in so many ways. I would recommend the app to any parents, no matter if you have kids in Kindergarten or 6th grade.

If you’re looking to help improve their reading, vocabulary, and comprehension skills in a fun and playful way, readability is the answer – you can thank me later 😉

Follow this Link to Start a Risk-Free 7 Day Trial of Readability. Cancel Anytime During the Trial at No Cost!