The 3 Best Tips For Job Seekers

The 3 Best Tips For Job Seekers
author TopDust Staff

Sometimes you can feel it coming and other times it comes out of nowhere, either way, being laid off is not an ideal situation. But it’s also not a time to panic.

There are many reasons why companies have to let people go, and most of them have nothing to do with the person or the great job they are doing. It usually comes down to evolving industries, roles becoming redundant, along with shifts in the economy and the economical landscape we live in. Recessions cause great workers to become unemployed.

If you’ve been laid off recently, first things first – don’t panic, stress or beat yourself up. It’s a tough time and you aren’t alone. We have come up with three useful tips to help all the new job seekers out there.

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1. See It As A New Opportunity

Flip it into a positive. Maybe this is the opportunity you didn’t know you needed. When one door closes another bigger brighter one opens. Take this as your chance to evaluate and assess everything you have learned in your past positions.

Write them all down and you’ll start to see all your strengths and all the amazing skills you have to offer to your next employer. This can help guide you on where you want to go and what you want to do next.

2. Don’t Get Discouraged

When you start searching for jobs it can seem overwhelming and daunting, especially if you haven’t done it in a long time. There are so many job board websites and even more job descriptions to go through.

It may start to feel like you are sending so many resumes out and getting very little back.

Don’t let this discourage you! Everyone is in the same boat. Keep applying as much as you can to the jobs that you think you’re the best fit for and don’t give up if it’s taking longer than you expected.

3. Use A Resume Writing Service

Resume writing services have become very popular in the last few years due to many companies using programs and software called application tracking systems (ATS) to collect, sort, scan, and rank the job applications they receive. This means your resume has to pass the Bot test before it even gets anywhere near human hands. In fact, 75% of resumes are rejected by ATS.

TopResume. is a resume writing service that knows all the tricks needed to get past the ATS and in front of hiring managers. TopResume writers also know the look your resume needs to impress the hiring managers and land you that all-important interview as well.

TopResume. even offers an ATS resume scan as part of their free resume review which gives you feedback on your resume’s content, as well as its ATS compatibility. After that, you avail of their complete resume writing service to perfect your resume.

Your resume is the key to becoming employed today, make sure you’re putting your best foot forward with the best resume possible to showcase all your skills and experience. TopResume will work with you to make sure you have exactly that.

Good luck and remember this could be the new exciting opportunity you were looking for!

Update: Stop stressing over your resume and hand it over to the experts. Get a professionally written resume today!