Put A Spring In Your Step With These 5 Tips.

Put A Spring In Your Step With These 5 Tips.
author TopDust Staff

Home is where the heart is, and if it’s not a space you long to be in, then it can wreak havoc on your mood. When your home is messy and chaotic, life feels chaotic, too. That’s why spring cleaning is so important; as the weather gets warmer and you start spending more time outside, you want to bring the joy you get picnicking at the park into your home by making sure it’s organized and clean. Doing a deep clean on your home might feel like a daunting feat, so we came up with a few easy tasks you can accomplish in under an hour that will bring a smile to your face every time you step in the door. So, whether you’re a low key hoarder, or just hate cleaning, here are some little steps you can take to make this Spring your cleanest ever! (TLDR; if you’re looking for maximum output with minimum energy, booking a cleaning professional through Handy only takes a few minutes!)

Get That Sock Drawer In Order

It may sound trivial, but starting your spring cleaning with something super achievable, like organizing your sock or underwear drawer, is a rewarding move. Getting a small part of your life in order, like making sure all of your socks are with their match and in a neat little ball, can be the motivation you need to completely spring clean your whole life. Imagine never having to search the floor for a matching sock again…just imagine….

Clutter Clutter Everywhere…

Clutter on your desk, clutter on your coffee table, sound familiar? Nothing makes a space look and feel worse than unnecessary crap gathering dust everywhere. Pick one table surface, and throw out those old magazines, open that unread pile of mail (ugh, bills) and get rid of that candle you haven’t lit in six months. Once you throw everything, treat yourself to a vase of flowers (or fake flowers if you’re not the most responsible with watering) in place of all that stuff. If you collect little decorative trinkets, try channeling minimalism: less is definitely more. You’d be surprised at how much larger a room can feel when things are kept to a minimum.

Color Code Your Wardrobe

Ok, so you don’t have to throw out that hot pink sparkly dress you have literally never worn, or that ugly sweater your aunt made for you, but at least get them where you can see them by color coding your wardrobe. There’s nothing worse than a sea of clothes coming at you when you’re trying to find an outfit to wear, or getting on all fours to sort through the piles of shoes to find your favorite pair. In under an hour you can color code your closet so a perfect rainbow, waves hello to you when you get dressed. It’ll save you oodles of time in the morning, and hey, you might even find a hidden gem you totally forgot you had.

Try Handy.

Whether you’ve gone on an organizing rampage and are too tired to clean the oven, or don’t know where to start, sometimes the best move is letting a cleaning professional help you reach those #springcleaninggoals. And Handy makes it oh-so-easy for you. They connect you to experienced pro’s who have all been through extensive background checks to ensure they’re the most reliable in the cleaning game. The convenient website and app let you specify whether you want a good bathroom scrub down or organizing help and will connect you with the perfect person for the job. You can find a Pro you love and have them come back on a regular schedule that works for you, to give your home that fresh spring clean feeling all year around. You can choose weekly, bi-weekly or monthly plans, and the best part? Signing up only takes a few minutes and pros can come as soon as tomorrow, so no excuses this spring!

Small Changes Make All The Difference….

Sometimes a little decorative task can breathe new life into your apartment or home. Try painting one wall a different, lighter color to contrast the others. In just a couple hours, it’ll open up the room and become a focal feature that you can have a lot of fun decorating. Print out photos from your travels and frame, finally hang that canvas you bought at an art festival like a year ago, or buy that embroidered throw pillow you thought “wasn’t practical”. The house can be so pretty it actually makes you wanna stay home on a Saturday night.

Making the most of the season of fresh starts with spring cleaning doesn’t have to be hard! Handy makes it so much easier. For the price of a dinner out and drinks, you can get a 3-hour cleaning to revitalize your space and inspire you to take on the world!

Update: The folks at Handy are extending a Special offer to our readers.For a limited time follow this link to get a special offer on a cleaning plan!