How Lisa Regained Her Financial Freedom With Lexington Law

How Lisa Regained Her Financial Freedom With Lexington Law
author TopDust Staff

A few years ago, Lisa Alden, a marketing coordinator in Houston, could afford to use her credit for splurges: shopping, dinners out, and trips. But when her company went under, she was unemployed for almost a year and things started falling through the cracks. With every ding on her credit score, her life got a little worse. She wanted to start her own business, but with bad credit she didn’t qualify for a loan. When her lease was up, she had a hard time getting approved for housing, and ended up moving in with her parents. She didn’t understand how things had gotten out of control so quickly; she had always been responsible.

“I was out of a job, so there was no money coming in, but on top of that debt was weighing me down. I’ve had every type of credit damage. I’ve had public records be in the liens, late payments, repossession. Eventually my car was even repossessed…It was absolutely terrifying.”

Lisa was overwhelmed, and she needed help improving her credit so she could get her life back. She searched for reviews of credit services and found Lexington Law, a law firm that helps eliminate the negative entries on credit reports that drive down credit scores, using their legal expertise. It’s the leading credit repair law firm that uses individualized legal strategies and acclaimed credit-coaching programs to improve your unique credit situation. Once you sign up, your representative will work directly with the credit bureaus to fight to delete items from your past that are hindering your score.

Lexington Law stood out to Lisa because of all the positive customer reviews, and the fact that their legal experts put the law on her side. She got started with a phone call, and soon she was on her way to credit recovery.

“Very few people know their score, much less what the items on their report are. Because of the dashboard on Lexington Law, I know at any given moment. I can see how it changes every week. I feel like I have power over”

Last year, Lexington Law’s clients saw an average of 10 items removed in just the first 4 months. The firm doesn’t just raise your score; it teaches you how to maintain good credit for years to come. For less than $100 a month, you can have an entire law firm fighting for you. Best of all, you can have peace of mind, knowing you’re in good hands.

Your credit score does not accurately reflect what kind of person you are. One number doesn’t tell the whole story. Whether it’s a recession, accident, emergency, or other unexpected financial shift, Lexington Law understands. Their team of legal experts will fight for you, so you can regain financial freedom, and regain control of your life.

Update: Lexington Law is offering our readers a free credit repair consultation, which includes your FREE credit report summary and score. You can follow this link, or call 1-833-334-3299to take advantage of this no-obligation offer.

Call anytime between 7am and 11:59pm EST to get your free credit report and score!