4 Reasons Why You Should Try Handy This Summer

4 Reasons Why You Should Try Handy This Summer
author TopDust Staff

I’ve never been one to buy into seasonal trends. Especially ones that involve doing something I hate – like cleaning, for example. So I’ve never been into the whole “Summer Cleaning” thing.

Every year, when Summer begins, my sister, Anna, always does a big clean of her entire house – she literally clears everything out and ends up giving away lots of her things.

I’ll admit it, my house is definitely more cluttered than Anna’s, especially after spending so much more time at home the last few months. I do feel envious at how tidy her house looks on our family Zooms ( I’ll never tell her), but I find cleaning super tiring, and I never know where to start. I usually only do it when the house gets really messy or dirty. Trying to work from home in a cluttered space is definitely not good for my productivity- I needed to find a solution.

A friend recommended Handy, an app you can use to book a professional cleaner, but I was wary of having someone come into my home to clean- is that okay to do right now? I checked out their site and saw that they connect you to cleaning professionals in your area. You can sign up for plans for monthly, bi-weekly, or weekly frequencies, and you can schedule an appointment at a time that suits you. Plus, they have a section on their site dedicated to keeping their customers updated on the latest CDC regulations and their new Health & Safety guidance for all bookings.

At first, I was skeptical about it – I mean, who would I be letting into my home? Then I read that Handy does a background check on each of the Cleaning Pros available to book through their app, provides them with free PPE (masks and gloves), and even has a daily in-app check up to validate they are feeling well to book jobs. So I decided to try it out.

Here are 3 reasons why I’m glad I found Handy:

1. It helps my allergies

Looking back, I was always sneezing in my house, but I didn’t think anything of it. After the Cleaning Pro had finished with their first cleaning of my home (I stayed in my bedroom to be extra safe), I noticed my sneezing decreased enormously.

I didn’t even think my house was that dusty, but the cleaning professionals did such a thorough job.

2. It’s a good measure of self-care

After the Cleaning Pro tidied and decluttered my house, I had a new lease of life. I really underestimated how much a clean house can affect your psyche. It motivated me to create better habits – like making my bed every day. Plus, I’ve been finding working from home tough, so having a clean and tidy dining room area has helped me stay focused.

Plus, not having to tidy myself gives me some extra free time to put into prepping meals, etc.

3. I can give to people in need

I didn’t know how much stuff I had stored around the house until it was decluttered during my Handy appointment.

After the Cleaning Pro did a huge decluttering for me, I took it a step further and went through my closets and cupboards and cleared out anything I didn’t use anymore – and gave it all to charity. If it wasn’t for Handy, I definitely couldn’t have achieved this.

Plus, I love supporting a service that not only takes good care of their workers, but gives back a little, too. Handy provides sick pay for any of their Pros who have been diagnosed with COVID, and they have donated PPE to local hospitals to support the frontline workers.

Handy’s cleaning plans are flexible, so you can change the frequency of your scheduled cleaning or book an appointment for a time that works for you. Sometimes as soon as the next day.

I’m signing up for bi-weekly appointments and I’m looking forward to seeing how much my Handy plan has a positive impact on my life. I’m super excited to reap all the benefits of a clean house thanks to Handy!

Update: The folks at Handy are extending a Special offer to our readers. For a limited time follow this link to get a special offer on a cleaning plan!