
The best foundation for the girl who hates foundation

The best foundation for the girl who hates foundation

Let me start by saying that I love makeup. I’m not sure you understand, so I’ll repeat: I. LOVE. MAKEUP. It’s my jam, I could talk about it all day and still have more to discuss and gush over.

It’s always fun and exciting, and just makes me feel like a kid in a candy store. No matter how many products I have, I could always have and want even more.

There’s only one hitch to my makeup love story: I absolutely loathe foundation. In all my years as a makeup junkie, I haven’t ever found a foundation that I even remotely enjoy or feel comfortable wearing. So I don’t. I simply don’t ever wear foundation unless I have to for work.

As a beauty model and actress, I’ve had the privilege to work with a plethora of incredibly talented makeup artists. And even so, no matter how flawless and obsessed with their work I’ll be – I’ll still be itching to go wash my face off just because of the foundation.

For me, whether it’s liquid, powder, mattifying or dewy – it always ends up feeling like I’m wearing a mask over my skin. It makes my skin feel dry, I feel like my pores/skin can’t breath, then it gets all flaky and gross. Plus, you can see it! For me, I don’t like any base makeup, primer, foundation, concealer, etc. to be visible to anyone…I mean, that’s the whole point: CONCEAL. Base makeup should look completely effortless, natural, and inconspicuous to anyone looking at you.

So, despite my serious makeup love and obsession, I haven’t ever owned a foundation and I don’t wear any in my day to day life. Concealer, yes, that’s as necessary to me as oxygen – but foundation…I just haven’t ever found a product that makes it feel worthwhile.

Until now.

Yup. It’s happened. The makeup gods have come together and finally created a product in the foundation world that actually works the way it’s supposed to and feels amazing!

Thank you to Makeup Forever, they’ve finally done it. They created a foundation that I not only don’t loathe, but actually adore, and PURCHASED, and USE. HAPPILY!

The gods and goddesses at Makeup Forever created the Ultra HD Invisible Cover Stick Foundation. And it has answered my makeup prayers!

The foundation stick applies smoothly, evenly, and easily while blending immaculately into your skin for full coverage while being completely lightweight, nourishing, and invisible. No dryness, no mask-y or cake-y look or feeling, and definitely no flaking.

Every time I know I’m going to go on camera for a shoot or audition, I immediately grab my Ultra HD foundation stick to make sure my skin looks even more hydrated and even-toned on camera. I truly cannot recommend this product enough.

I first learned about it via Instagram and YouTube watching some of my favorite makeup artists, and noticed that I kept seeing more and more of them using the Ultra HD Stick. It looked very easy to use, no muss, no fuss, and blended really well.

So I decided to check it out for myself – without any expectations since I haven’t had luck ever before with foundation. I went to Sephora, found the color that seemed to match my skin best and did a little test swipe of it and blended it in around my jawline. When I blended it in and it became undetectable I was surprised to say the least. I went about my business in the store looking around and waiting to see if the foundation would dry out, flake, or feel uncomfortable at all. Nothing. It was amazing. And now, for the first time ever, I own and love a foundation!

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