Cat Lovers: Everything You Need to Know About This Awesome Kitty Litter

Cat Lovers: Everything You Need to Know About This Awesome Kitty Litter
author TopDust Staff

I absolutely love my two cats, Emmy and Spats, but my least favorite part about being a cat owner is the litter. It smells, it’s messy, and the last thing you ever want to do is clean the litter box. That all changed when my friend introduced me to PrettyLitter. I’m the last person on earth who would go around talking about cat litter, but it’s seriously that good. It’s made my life with cats so much simpler. If you haven’t heard of PrettyLitter, you’re in luck, because I’m here to tell you all about it and answer all your questions.

What’s PrettyLitter?

PrettyLitter is a low-maintenance cat litter that’s lightweight, odor-fighting, non-clumping, and best of all, can tell you about your cat’s health. One bag lasts for an entire month and you only need to scoop for your cat’s poop. The litter changes colors when your cat pees if it detects a potential health issue, or to show that your cat’s urine is normal. The best part is they deliver to your house. If you’re like me, and hate lugging heavy bags of kitty litter from the car or even across the room, it’s a godsend.

How does it work?

It’s simple – When a cat uses PrettyLitter, the highly absorbent microcrystals trap the urine and the moisture evaporates. This means no more clumping, no more scooping bricks of pee, and no more litter scattered all over the floor.

How does it monitor my cat’s health?

PrettyLitter detects health issues in your cat’s urine and the microgels change color if there’s a problem. There are multiple different colors- yellow to olive green is normal, and red, blue, and orange indicate potential issues like UTI’s, blood in urine, inflammation, kidney issues, and more. It could even indicate problems before you may notice visible symptoms or pain.

What makes it different from the rest?

PrettyLitter is made to be safe for the whole household, and it looks like sparkly white sand. Most other brands are made from clay with harmful ingredients like bentonite, that is used to clump the urine, but can also harm your cat’s digestive tract. By creating a litter that absorbs moisture, you no longer have to scoop the pee. And, there’s no more dust cloud. I was surprised that I didn’t have to hold my breath when pouring the PrettyLitter into the box in fear of the dust cloud.

How does the subscription work?

All you have to do is tell them how many cats you have, and they deliver you the right amount to last a month, so you don’t have to worry about forgetting to pick up litter.

Is it expensive?

No, but the cost will vary depending on how many cats you have. I have two cats and PrettyLitter sends me enough for them both each month. This includes free shipping and because it’s a subscription I don’t have to think about it. It ends up being slightly cheaper than what I was spending before, and I don’t have to drive to the store to get it – no more lugging a huge thirty pound bag home.

So why is it better?

It’s so low-maintenance and lasts longer. It’s not as gross to clean compared to the clumping litter and is even a little neater. The real bonus is I know that my cats are healthy and I have peace of mind for Emmy and Spats. If we were to come across a health issue, I know we’d catch it early. What more could you want?

UPDATE: The folks at PrettyLitter are offering a special promotion to our readers! Follow this link and use promo code PRETTYLITTER2020 to get 20% off your first order of PrettyLitter today!