New Year, New You With Splendid Spoon

New Year, New You With Splendid Spoon
author TopDust Staff

When January 1st came around this year, I was ready to tackle my New Year’s resolution to get healthy head on, but needed help getting there. I’m a 28-year-old working professional who spends a lot of time at a desk and a lot less time at the gym. I try to squeeze in a 30 minute workout here and there, but it’s hard to keep my weight on track, especially after the holidays. Even more than dropping pounds, I wanted to focus on eating better quality food and ditching the takeout menus, so I could feel more energized, have more confidence, and save some money.

Every year, I try a new crazy fad diet or intense workout plan, but after a few weeks, I lose motivation and end up ordering pizza again. This year, my goals were to keep away from impossible fad diets, and instead find something more sustainable to fuel my body, mind, and soul. A friend recommended Splendid Spoon, a plant-based meal subscription company that offers wholesome smoothies, soups, and even healthy cleanses, which they call resets. Every item is vegan, GMO-free, and gluten-free, and is packed with superfoods and essential nutrients to keep you full, energized, and satisfied. Plus, there’s no cooking or blending required, which means I won’t end up with a freezer full of wishful-thinking foods. I decided to give Splendid Spoon a try with a weekly subscription plan. During my first two days eating Splendid Spoon, I felt lighter on my feet, having gotten rid of a lot of the sodium and sugar that was weighing me down. I used to eat a sugary muffin every morning for breakfast and would feel hungry again half an hour later, but with Splendid Spoon’s smoothies, I felt full for hours and was never starving by lunchtime.The Raspberry Cacao Smoothie was my favorite; it really gave me the sweet hint of chocolate I enjoyed from my muffins but was chock full of superfoods to avoid the sugar crash. When lunchtime rolled around, I skipped takeout at the office and enjoyed the Beans & Greens bowl. The soup is filled with fiber and protein, which helped keep me full throughout the day, and was super warm and flavorful (I never feel good after a forkful of cold salad). It only took a couple of minutes to heat up in our office microwave, and was light enough that I could focus on the rest of my work day instead of being in a food coma. It even helped me power through my usual 3pm slump without stopping at Starbucks for a coffee! Because the soups are about ⅓ the calories of my usual take-out order, I ended up losing a few pounds in a month without any other changes. After a couple weeks eating Splendid Spoon, I realized it was about more than weight loss. It was about being reintroduced to foods I really loved but wasn’t getting enough of—like blueberries, kale, and fresh ginger. Without Splendid Spoon, I wouldn’t have known how to incorporate these kinds of flavors or their diverse nutrients into my life. But when I did actually start losing weight, it felt way better than when I temporarily lost weight in the past. It felt great to know my body was changing naturally, healthily, and sustainably. Though Splendid Spoon isn’t a weight loss plan, it worked for me because the healthy food jump started my energy levels and inspired me to work out 3-4 times a week. It felt great to fit better into my favorite pair of jeans and not have to stress about what to wear in the morning before work. I went into the New Year feeling sluggish and unmotivated. Now, with Splendid Spoon, I feel cleaner, lighter, and more excited to work out regularly. Overall, I have become less focused on watching the scale drop and more focused on the nutrient-dense food. There’s no competing with satiating, fresh smoothies and delicious warm bowls of soup. It hardly felt like a diet; in fact, it felt like a true lifestyle change and positive investment in my health.

Update: The folks at Splendid Spoon are extending a special offer to our readers! For a limited time get $15 OFF any plan!

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