How Muzzy Helped My Kids Enjoy Learning Another Language

How Muzzy Helped My Kids Enjoy Learning Another Language
author TopDust Staff

When I read about all the positive benefits to kids learning a second language, I knew I wanted Jake and Emily to start learning another one ASAP, especially since they were still within their window of opportunity.

I looked into tutors in our area, and they were all super expensive. Plus, I had a feeling Jake wouldn’t like the idea of doing any extra-curricular classes. I was talking to a fellow mom about it and that’s when she told me that her kids used Muzzy to learn German.

I had heard of Muzzy, but from what I knew about it – which was that it was a cartoon – I doubted it would actually work when it came to learning. But my friend swore by it so I thought I’d try a 3 month membership.

Turns out, it works wonders, and Jake and Emily learned Spanish super quickly. Curious to know how? Here are all your questions answered.

So… Why is Muzzy so great?

It’s an award-winning language learning program developed by experts at the BBC that uses cartoon movies to teach kids how to speak a new language. Sounds too simple – you’d think they’d need repetition or essays to learn a language. But the reason kids can learn languages much easier is because of the window of opportunity.

What is the window of opportunity?

The window of opportunity for children to learn a new language is when they’re young – before age 10. During the first decade of life, your brain is wired to learn languages, so learning a second language comes naturally and more easily. And once that window is closed, it gets harder and harder for someone to learn a new language every year.

What are the benefits of children learning a second language?

Studies indicate bilingual kids have higher test scores, improved planning, concentration, and the ability to multitask. It also can make children better and faster readers. Plus, being bilingual obviously can create more job opportunities in the future, and can help them get jobs in competitive fields and earn higher wages.

How much of the language will it teach them?

Up to 1200 words and phrases through online games, songs, and worksheets.

What languages are available?

At the moment Muzzy offers German, Spanish, Italian, French, English, Korean, and Chinese languages.

How much does it cost?

Muzzy memberships start at $3.29 a month for 2 years, $4.92 a month for 1 year, and $9.70 a month for 3 months. Much more affordable than a private tutor!

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What if the kids don’t enjoy it?

Muzzy offers an easy, no questions asked 30 day money back guarantee, so you have nothing to lose. However, my kids love it! They’re going to watch cartoons anyway, so they might as well learn something valuable at the same time. Jake and Emily were glued to the screen, but I felt good knowing it was benefiting their future (yay guilt-free screentime!). My kids love watching Muzzy go on all his adventures.

Muzzyexceeded my expectations. I never thought it would be so easy to keep the kids quiet for so long, all while learning. I’d recommend it to any mom who wants their kids to learn a new language but can’t afford a tutor.

Update: Don’t Miss Muzzy’s Sale! Save up to 67% off Muzzy if you purchase today!

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