5 Bad Habits To Finally Quit In 2020

5 Bad Habits To Finally Quit In 2020
author TopDust Staff

If you’re anything like me, you definitely have a bad habit…or two or three. But what better time to kick these bad habits to the curb than the new year? I know it’s finally time to change my ways. But why has it taken me so long to start? Truth is, I’m scared. I’m scared of starting something new and having it not work out. I’m scared that I’ll have to drastically change up my routine and give up the parts I like. And most importantly, I’m scared I’ll fail. But then it hit me— everyone who is embarking on a lifestyle change has that same fear. We must harness this fear to push us even more to achieve our goals. It’s time to stop thinking about failure and start making a change.

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Here are five habits I’m ready to quit in the new year, and you should, too:

1. Drink More Water

An obvious yet simple one. But too many days go by that I don’t realize how little water I drank until I’ve gotten a headache and have no energy left. So I’m going to get myself a cute stainless steel water bottle and bring it with me everywhere. Not only will my headaches stop, but it will help with my skin and energy levels, too.

2. Overspending Money

Now that the year’s up, I’m looking back on my financial purchases of 2019, and I might’ve spent enough money at coffee shops to buy my own espresso machine. I started keeping a tally and realized I bought 25 coffees in just one month—that’s 125 dollars. I could have saved myself financial stress, and let me tell you, the stress that’s ensued is seriously no joke. It can lead to headaches, weight gain and serious health consequences. This year, I’ll be making a monthly budget and only allowing myself to indulge in coffee every once in a while,and I’ll just take more advantage of the coffee machine in my office from now on!

3. Saying “I’ll Go to the Gym Tomorrow”

Exercising is intimidating! Even the thought of having to get changed, getting into the car, and driving to the gym can seem too much after a long day. I’m breaking this huge task down into smaller ones. I’m not going to dread spending hours at the gym anymore; I’ll be switching to easy exercises I can do at home. A quick search on YouTube brings up loads of at-home exercise videos that are for all different levels. And most of them are only 15/20 minutes long, even I can do that!

4. Overeating

When I indulge in unhealthy foods, I find myself going back, for not just seconds, but often thirds! And it never fails that I always find myself hungry even an hour after. I’m sick of eating terrible foods and not having any energy, so I signed up for Nutrisystem. The meal plan is so easy, and they provide me with delicious, pre-portioned meals (six a day!) to sustain me and help me lose weight in a safe and healthy way. I’m still able to eat all my favorite foods, like Margherita Pizza, Artichoke & Spinach Stuffed Chicken Breast, and rich and delicious Chocolate Cupcakes, all while losing weight.

5. Procrastinating

Show me a person that doesn’t procrastinate… we are all guilty of it! But it’s time to start doing what scares you. If there’s an idea for a story that’s always been nagging at you, a promotion you’re dreaming about, or a dress in the back of your closet you’re longing to fit into again, now’s the perfect time for setting goals.

With a little help from Nutrisystem, I was able to hit all my goals. Their 4-week plan was so easy to follow with proven results, now including my own. I lost 5lbs*, feel so much healthier, and I’ve learned how to make healthier food choices. Plus, it was so convenient, I simply ordered it online and then it was delivered right to my doorstep. It couldn’t be easier!

UPDATE: The awesome folks at Nutrisystem are extending a special offer to our readers. Follow this link and save BIG with BOGO! Buy one month at the full retail price and get your second consecutive 4-week plan shipment FREE!

*In a study, avg. weight loss was 11.6 lbs and 8 inches